Wednesday 20 July 2011

New perfume

I'm a new mom and for the first few months, I also had a new perfume.  It was called formula!  Don't be surprised to find this new 'perfume' streaking your neck and shoulders at any given time, especially in the earlier months.  Burping can be so much fun.  You'll find it in the oddest of your hair.  Until you learn to tie it back, because really who has time to wash their hair every day.  Not new moms, lemme tell you.  There are some days you'll barely make it in to shower. 

Upon meeting up with one of my friends who was the first to be a new mom in our circle gasped as she suddenly realised she had not brushed her teeth that day.  Oh boy did I poke ample fun at her.  I should have thought about that because fast forward to a year later and there I was gasping about the very same thing.

Another friend told me the best way to avoid this scenario is to jump in the shower before your baby wakes up in the morning.  Freshen up yourself before anything.  I was all like, what? I am so NOT a morning person but I can tell you my baby is.  He's up before me every single morning.

But, take it all in stride!  It's all good!  Before long you will be looking back at when they were wee little and that nostalgia will hit you like an arrow and you will be wishing your baby was that tiny again.  You won't even mind the new perfume...

1 comment:

  1. I honestly can't remember the last time I wore perfume! Well, not completely true..I know it was in the first few months following Nik's birth, because I remember him sneezing a lot and I realized it was due to the perfume. Stopped, and never bought/wore perfume again!
