Monday 18 July 2011

Wake me up like a yo yo

Why is it that the moment you fall into that sweet deep sleep, that abyss that takes you away into nothingness, that your little one decides to stir, needing something?  Most times I'd rather stay up than sleep, because it's so much harder waking up after just an hour's worth of slumber than keeping watch.

If you've never cared much for sleeping, well then you're going to now.  You will MISS your sleep.  The first few weeks as your baby regulates himself, prepare yourself to be up every four hours.  Of course, that doesn't mean you've slept for the past four hours.  Breastfeeding in the early stages takes up to an hour for a new born, no one ever tells you so.  The average baby feeds every four hours, you do the math!

If you're one who looooves your sleep, well all I can say is that I wish you luck and I hope you have help to delegate all of the tasks that will be cutting in into your short 'naps'.  I call them naps, because that's exactly what they're going to feel like.

Eventually your little one will sleep through the night on a regular basis, but that might be a while.  My son has started doing this since he was about eight months, however, when he's teething, all bets are off.  Prepare yourself to be up at least once.  So far he's been pretty good, but you never know.  Each teething experience is different.

So prepare yourself...and catch some zzzz's whenever you can.  It will save your sanity.

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